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10 High Profit Business to Start with 50K in Nigeria

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Business you can Start with 50K in Nigeria

Want To Know The Business To Start With 50k In Nigeria?

Welcome to our guide on starting a business in Nigeria with only 50k or less. In Nigeria, where many people struggle to find jobs and make money, starting your own business can be a great way to earn money and be your own boss.

Why Starting a Business Matters in Nigeria

In Nigeria, like in many other African countries, there are big problems with money. More and more people are looking for ways to make their own money because there aren’t enough jobs. By starting their own businesses, people can make money for themselves and also help solve some of the country’s problems.

Our Purpose

In this blog, we want to give you easy-to-do business ideas that don’t need a lot of money. Whether you’re fresh out of school, taking care of kids at home, or just want to earn more cash, we’ve got you covered. With just 50,000 Naira or even less, you can kick-start your own business. We’ll talk about different types of businesses and how they can grow and make you money.

How This Guide Can Help You

By the time you finish reading, you’ll know more about how businesses work in Nigeria and the chances you have to start your own. Whether you want to sell things, offer services, or try online stuff, we’ll talk about different things you can do that fit your interests and talents.

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What Are The Business You Can Start With 50k In Nigeria?

Here is a list of high profit business to start with 50k in Nigeria. This is the only guide you need to be the best in these particular business and make money in Nigeria. You can read all or use the table below to read the particular idea you find interesting:

Business to Start with 50K in Nigeria

Supply and Distribution of Eggs

In Nigeria, eggs are super useful because they’re used in lots of things like food, makeup, and making stuff. Starting a business where you supply and deliver eggs can make you a good amount of money without needing to spend too much upfront. Here’s what you can do to get started:

  1. Check Out the Market: First, look into how the egg business is doing in your area. Find good places where you can buy eggs in bulk, like from chicken farms or wholesalers. Figure out where people need eggs the most, like in stores, restaurants, or homes.
  2. Get Your Eggs: Once you know where to buy from, build good relationships with those suppliers. Buy lots of eggs at once to save money and make more profit.
  3. Find Your Customers: Reach out to stores, restaurants, and other places where people buy eggs. Offer them good prices and make sure you can deliver the eggs to them safely.
  4. Get Your Stuff Together: You’ll need egg boxes to pack them up nicely and a way to deliver them to your customers. If you don’t have a delivery van, start small with a cart and grow later.
  5. Tell People About Your Business: Spread the word about your egg business by talking to people, handing out flyers, and using social media. Let them know your eggs are fresh and top quality.
  6. Be Awesome to Your Customers: Make sure you deliver the eggs on time and fix any problems quickly. If your customers are happy, they’ll keep buying from you and might even tell others about your business.
  7. Grow Your Business: As you start making money, think about ways to make even more. You could get more equipment or try selling other things along with eggs. Keep finding ways to make your business better and reach more people.

By following these steps and working hard, you can build a successful egg supply and delivery business with just 50,000 Naira or less. With some effort and smart planning, you can turn this small investment into a big success in Nigeria.


Blogging is a cool way to start an online business without spending lots of money. In Nigeria, lots of people are making good money from their blogs. Whether you love talking about food, travel, or tech stuff, blogging lets you connect with people and make some cash.

Getting Started with Blogging

Starting a blog is easy and doesn’t need much. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Pick Your Topic: Choose something you’re passionate about and know a lot about. It could be anything from cooking to gadgets. Just make sure it’s something people are interested in.
  2. Set Up Your Blog: You can use platforms like WordPress to create your blog. It’s free and easy to use. Customize your blog’s look to make it stand out and easy to use.
  3. Create Awesome Content: Write interesting posts that people want to read. Add pictures and videos to make it more fun.
  4. Tell People About Your Blog: Share your posts on social media and join online groups. Connect with other bloggers to get more readers.

Making Money from Your Blog

Now, let’s talk about how you can make some cash from your blog:

  1. Google Ads: You can put ads on your blog and get paid when people click on them. It’s called Google AdSense, and it’s a popular way for bloggers to make money.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: You can recommend products on your blog and earn a commission when people buy them using your links. It’s a great way to make money if you talk about products you love.
  3. Sponsored Posts: Companies might pay you to write about their products or services on your blog. It’s like advertising, but in a blog post.
  4. Sell Your Own Stuff: You can create and sell your own digital products, like ebooks or online courses. It’s a cool way to make money and share your knowledge with others.

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In Conclusion

Blogging is a fun and affordable way to start your own business in Nigeria. With a bit of creativity and hard work, you can turn your blog into a successful online venture. Whether you want to share your passion, become an expert in your field, or make some extra cash, blogging has something for everyone. So why wait? Start your blogging journey today and see where it takes you!

Soap Production

Making soap can be a good business in Nigeria, and you don’t need a lot of money to start. Here’s how you can do it:

Getting the Stuff You Need:
First, you’ll need some basic stuff to make soap. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A machine to shape the soap.
  • Another machine to cut it into bars.
  • Bowls and tools for mixing.
  • Ingredients like oils, lye, water, scents, and colors.

Adding Up the Costs:
It’s important to know how much everything will cost. Here’s what you might spend your money on:

  • Getting the machines you need.
  • Buying the stuff to make the soap.
  • Getting things to wrap and label your soap.
  • Other things like getting stuff from one place to another and telling people about your soap.

Making the Soap:
Once you have everything, you can start making soap. Here’s how you do it:

  • Mix up all the ingredients following a recipe.
  • Heat it up and stir it until it thickens.
  • Pour it into molds and let it cool down and harden.
  • Take it out of the molds and cut it into bars.
  • Leave the bars somewhere airy for a few weeks so they can dry out and get harder.

Selling Your Soap:
Now, you’ve got to let people know about your soap and make them want to buy it. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Come up with a cool name and logo for your soap.
  • Figure out who might want to buy your soap, like families or hotels.
  • Tell people about your soap on social media, online stores, and local markets.
  • Be nice to your customers and listen to what they say so they keep coming back.

If you do all this right and spend your money wisely, you can start a successful soap business in Nigeria. With hard work and a little luck, you can make good money and be proud of what you’ve achieved.

Food Cart or Mobile Food Service Business

Starting a food cart or mobile food business is a great idea if you want to get into the food industry without spending too much money. Here’s how you can do it:

Do Your Research and Plan:

  • Look around your area to see what kinds of food people like and what other food businesses are doing.
  • Make a plan for your business. Write down what you want to achieve, who you want to sell to, what you want to sell, how much you want to charge, and how you’ll tell people about your business.

Choose Your Menu:

  • Decide what food you want to sell. Keep it simple and choose foods that are easy to make and that people like to eat.
  • Think about offering different kinds of food to attract more customers. You could sell Nigerian food, snacks, drinks, or healthy options.

Get the Right Permits and Licenses:

  • Before you start selling food, make sure you have all the permits and licenses you need from the government. This includes health permits and business licenses.
  • Learn about the rules for selling food in your area so you don’t get into trouble.

Get Your Equipment and Supplies:

  • You’ll need some basic equipment to cook and serve your food, like a cart or a small truck, cooking tools, plates, and cleaning stuff.
  • Try to find used equipment or rent a truck to save money.

Find a Good Spot:

  • Where you sell your food is really important. Look for places where lots of people go, like busy streets, markets, or parks.
  • Talk to the owners of those places to see if you can sell your food there.

Tell People About Your Business:

  • Create a name and a logo for your business that people will remember.
  • Use social media, flyers, and local events to let people know about your food business.
  • Offer deals or discounts to attract more customers.

Make Your Customers Happy:

  • Always be friendly and polite to your customers.
  • Make sure your food is tasty and clean so people will want to come back.
  • Follow the rules for food safety to keep your customers healthy and happy.

By following these steps, you can start your own mobile food business in Nigeria and hopefully make some good money while doing something you enjoy.

Farming in Small-scale businesses

Small-scale farming can be a great way to start a business in Nigeria, even if you don’t have a lot of money. Here’s how to do it:

Pick Your Plants or Animals:

  • First, decide what you want to grow or raise on your farm. Think about what grows well in your area and what people like to buy. You can choose vegetables, fruits, chickens, fish, snails, or rabbits.

Find Land and Stuff You Need:

  • Look for a piece of land where you can farm. Make sure it has water and sunlight. If you don’t own land, you can rent or lease it from someone else.
  • Get the things you need to start farming, like seeds, fertilizer, and tools.

Get Your Farm Ready:

  • Before you start planting or raising animals, get your farm ready. Clear the land and make sure it drains well. If you’re growing crops, check the soil to see if it’s good for planting. If you’re raising animals, build shelters and fences for them.

Take Care of the Environment:

  • Try to farm in a way that’s good for the environment. Use natural ways to control pests and fertilize your crops. Use water wisely and try to use renewable energy when you can.

Keep an Eye on Your Farm:

  • Check your farm regularly to see how your plants or animals are doing. If you see any problems, try to fix them as soon as possible. Keep track of how much money you spend and how much you make from selling your crops or animals.

Sell Your Stuff:

  • Once your crops are ready to harvest or your animals are grown, you can sell them. You can sell to local markets, restaurants, or directly to people in your community. You can also sell online or at farmers’ markets.
  • Tell people about your farm on social media or by talking to them in person. The more people know about your farm, the more likely they are to buy your products.

By following these steps, you can start your own small-scale farming business in Nigeria and hopefully make some money while helping to feed your community.

Designing A Website

Starting a website design business doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t need a lot of money to begin. Here’s how you can do it:

Learn the Basics:

  • First, learn the basics of website design. You can do this by taking online courses or watching tutorials. Learn about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are the main things you need to know.

Pick Your Specialization:

  • Decide what kind of websites you want to design. You could focus on making websites for small businesses, online stores, bloggers, or charities. Choosing a specific type of website to design can help you stand out.

Show Off Your Work:

  • Start by creating websites for your friends, family, or local businesses. This will help you build a portfolio, which is like a collection of your work that you can show to potential clients. Having a good portfolio will help you get more clients in the future.

Decide How Much to Charge:

  • Figure out how much you want to charge for your services. You can look at what other website designers are charging to get an idea. Think about how long it will take you to make a website and how much you want to earn for your time.

Tell People About Your Business:

  • Once you’re ready to start taking on clients, tell people about your website design business. You can create a simple website for your business to show off your portfolio and let people know how to contact you. You can also use social media to reach out to potential clients.

Be Nice to Your Clients:

  • When you’re working with clients, be friendly and helpful. Listen to what they want and try to make them happy. If they have questions or concerns, answer them quickly and politely. If you do a good job and treat your clients well, they’ll be more likely to hire you again in the future.

Keep Learning:

  • Website design is always changing, so it’s important to keep learning and improving your skills. You can take more courses or read books to learn new things. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to help your clients.

By following these steps and working hard, you can start your own website design business and be successful, even if you’re just starting out.

Business of Tutoring Service

Starting a tutoring service means helping others learn, which can be a great business if you enjoy teaching. Here’s how you can begin your tutoring business with just 50k or less:

Know What You’re Good At:
Think about what subjects or skills you’re really good at and feel comfortable teaching others. It could be math, English, science, music, or art. Stick to what you know well and can teach effectively.

Understand Who You’re Teaching:
Consider who you want to teach—kids in primary or secondary school, university students, or even adults. Think about their age, what they’re studying, and what they need help with.

Decide How Much to Charge:
Find out how much other tutors are charging in your area and set your prices competitively. Consider things like your experience, qualifications, and how much demand there is for your tutoring. You might offer discounts for multiple sessions to attract more students.

Get the Word Out:
Tell people about your tutoring services! Spread the word through friends, family, and social media. Put up posters in your community, like at schools or libraries, and post ads online. Use platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram to show off what you can do.

Give Great Lessons:
Make sure your tutoring sessions are top-notch. Be patient and supportive, and adapt your teaching style to fit each student’s needs. Build good relationships with your students and their families so they trust you and keep coming back.

Offer More Services:
Think about offering other types of tutoring, like group sessions or online lessons. You could also run special workshops or classes. Having more options can attract different kinds of students and help you make more money.

Ask for Feedback:
Encourage your students and their families to give you feedback on your tutoring. Positive reviews and recommendations can help you get more students and grow your tutoring business.

If you stick to these steps and keep giving great lessons, you can make your tutoring business a success without spending a lot of money upfront. Keep getting better at teaching, learn about what’s new in education, and change how you teach to help your students. This way, you can keep doing well in the tutoring world for a long time.

Liquid Soap Production Business

Making liquid soap can be a good way to make money with just a little investment in Nigeria. A lot of people need liquid soap for their homes, businesses, and other places, so there’s a good chance to make money. Here’s how you can start your own liquid soap business:

  1. Before you start making liquid soap, it’s important to learn the basics. You can do this by researching different soap-making methods, ingredients, and recipes. There are lots of resources online, like videos and articles, that can help you understand how to make soap.
  2. While you don’t always need formal training to make liquid soap, it can be helpful to learn from experienced people. You can attend workshops, seminars, or online courses to gain hands-on experience and knowledge about soap making.
  3. Next, you’ll need to gather the equipment and ingredients you need to make liquid soap. This includes things like mixing tanks, heating appliances, containers for storage, oils, lye, water, fragrances, and colorants. Make sure to get good-quality ingredients from trusted suppliers.
  4. Once you have everything you need, you can start experimenting with different combinations of ingredients to create your own liquid soap recipes. Test your recipes in small batches to see what works best, and keep track of your experiments so you can replicate successful results.
  5. Find a suitable space to make your liquid soap, like a workshop or a clean area in your home. Make sure the space is well-ventilated and has access to electricity and water.
  6. Before you start selling your liquid soap, make sure to check if you need any permits or licenses from local authorities. This will ensure that you’re following health, safety, and environmental regulations.
  7. Start making your liquid soap in small batches and test each batch to make sure it meets your standards. Ask for feedback from friends, family, or potential customers to help improve your products.
  8. Create a brand for your liquid soap products, including a name, logo, and packaging design. Invest in good-quality labels and packaging materials to make your products look appealing to customers.
  9. Promote your liquid soap products through online and offline marketing channels, like social media, websites, blogs, and local events. Offer special deals to attract customers and consider selling your products in retail stores or online.
  10. As your business grows, you can expand your product line, explore new markets, and invest in more production capacity. Keep innovating and adapting to meet the needs of your customers and stay competitive in the market.

If you follow these steps and put in hard work and resources into your liquid soap business, you can make it successful and stable. It will help you earn money steadily and grow financially. Keep focusing on making good products, keeping customers happy, and getting better at what you do. This way, you’ll reach success in the liquid soap business.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a simple way to earn money by promoting other companies’ products or services. Here’s how it works: You join an affiliate program, they give you a special link, and when someone buys through your link, you get a commission. It’s like recommending stuff to your friends and getting paid for it. Affiliate marketing is cool because you can make money even when you’re not working, and you don’t have to make your own products or talk to customers.

Platforms like Amazon Associates, Expertnaire, Digistem, ClickBank, and ShareASale are where you can find lots of affiliate programs. They have tons of products to choose from, so you can pick ones that fit your interests. Once you join a program, they give you stuff like banners and ads to help you promote the products.

To make the most money as an affiliate marketer, you need good promotion strategies. One way is to create helpful content that talks about the products you’re promoting. You can slip in your affiliate links naturally. Another way is to build an email list and send promotions to your subscribers. Lastly, you can use social media like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to reach more people and show them the products you’re promoting.

By using these strategies, you can make more money as an affiliate marketer. Just make sure to pick products your audience will like and always be honest about using affiliate links. With time and effort, you can be successful in affiliate marketing.

Baking Business

In Nigeria, baking is a big deal! People just love yummy stuff like cakes, pastries, milky doughnut and bread. That’s why baking can be a great way to make money. Whether it’s for parties, weddings, or just snacks, folks always want baked treats. If you’re into baking and love what you do, you can totally jump into this thriving business scene and turn your baking hobby into a money-making gig.

Tips for Starting a Home Baking Business on a Budget

Getting into baking at home doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some easy tips to help you start:

  1. Equip Your Kitchen: You don’t need fancy stuff to begin. Start with basic tools like mixing bowls, measuring cups, and an oven. You can always upgrade later when your business picks up.
  2. Perfect Your Recipes: Try out different recipes until you find your special ones. Focus on making tasty treats that people will love.
  3. Set Fair Prices: Check out what others are charging for similar stuff and set your prices competitively. You want to cover your costs but still keep things affordable for customers.
  4. Spread the Word: Use social media like Instagram and Facebook to show off your baked goods. Post yummy pictures, chat with your followers, and run special deals to get folks interested.
  5. Start Small: Begin by taking orders from friends, family, and neighbors. As more people hear about your yummy treats, you can start growing your customer base.

Strategies for Growing Your Baking Business

Ready to take your baking business to the next level? Here are some tips to help you grow:

  1. Build Your Brand: Create a cool brand that shows off your baking style and personality. Use the same look and feel across all your ads and stuff so people recognize your brand.
  2. Offer Custom Goodies: Stand out from the crowd by letting customers customize their treats. Let them pick flavors, designs, and messages for their cakes.
  3. Team Up with Event Planners: Work with folks who plan weddings, birthdays, and other events. Offer your baking services as part of their packages to reach new customers.
  4. Hit Up Food Markets: Join local food markets and fairs to show off your treats to more people. Give out samples, chat with potential customers, and get their contact info for future sales.
  5. Keep Customers Happy: Treat your customers right by giving them awesome service and listening to their feedback. Happy customers will tell their friends about you!

With these strategies, you can spread the word about your baked goodies and grow your baking biz into something awesome. If you put in the work and love what you do, your baking business can totally take off in Nigeria!